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Technical Conference

Submit an Abstract

No-Dig Down Under 2025 will feature a comprehensive technical conference focused on projects and case studies where trenchless technology has provided a beneficial outcome.

The conference will address challenges and successes, and introduce new products and techniques that can be utilised by those working in the industry.

The Australasian Society for Trenchless Technology (ASTT) is now seeking abstracts for the 2025 No-Dig Down Under technical conference program.

Submission Guidelines

Submissions should consider how the findings contribute to the trenchless technology industry as well as the broader community.

Submissions should also consider:

  • What is your paper about?
  • How does it contribute to better outcomes for the trenchless industry?
  • How did you do it? (e.g. is it based on a new product that was tested, a review of available literature or a project that pushed the boundaries of current knowledge or experience?)
  • What did you find out?
  • Why are your findings important to the trenchless industry?
  • Do your findings bring value to the broader community, and if so, how?

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